2023 is the year of Doris Fish! Author Craig Seligman has produced the definitive biography of Doris, “Who Does That Bitch Think She Is” and a documentary film, Dear Doris is in progress from filmaker Scott Braucht.
Now, we present DorisFish.com, the Official Archive and Store for Doris Fish and the Sluts A-Go-Go.
Contributors include:
Photographer Daniel Nicoletta
Director Phillip Ford
Co-founder of the Sluts A Go-Go Miss X
Louise Lawrence Transgender Archive and its founder, Ms Bob Davis
This will be a work in progress, a journey of discovery for all of us. .
Submissions are welcome! Contact us here.
Our goal is to preserve and celebrate the life and work of Doris Fish and her friends, to help elevate her profile as an icon of drag, to give her surviving and thriving collaborators their due, and make some fabulous merchandise!
Everything on the site is sold with permission and in arrangement with her co-creators. We are excited to bring both archival artwork from Doris and original designs from myself and other artists.
A note about myself, Robyn Adams
I arrived on the scene in San Francisco in 1991, a nervous cross dresser going out in public for the first time to the gender bending playground that was Klubstitute. The event was “Tippi’s Prom” and that night I met Tippi and she was very sweet to me. It was just before she died. Doris had already passed but she was EVERYWHERE, her poster plastered on walls across the Castro in advance of the premiere of Vegas in Space. I met Miss X that night and I’ve been stalking her like a fan girl ever since. They inspired me to write my first comic book story, Homozone 5, because they seemed like superheroes to me.
I was never much of a drag queen, and to be honest I don’t really follow modern drag closely. I just have a special place in my heart for Doris and the Sluts and everything that they inspired. In my work with Ms. Bob Davis at the Louise Lawrence Transgender Archive I’ve had a chance to help tell their story. This website was inspired by our work on the Ego As Artform exhibit at the GLBT History Museum.
I have a great deal of affection and respect for this material and these very special people, and I’m humbled by the trust they have shown me in handling their work.