One of the people impressed with Doris’ act with the Tubes was James Moss, a former child star in Hollywood who was trying to make a name for himself in San Francisco as a filmmaker and promoter. His scheme was to produce a film called Magazine Movie and recognized Doris as potential STAR, much as Martin Ryter and then Phillip R Ford later would. The film did not come to fruition, but tantalizingly, they shot a ton of film and photos for it that sadly is likely lost to history. If anyone has any info about Mr. Moss and this work please do get in touch!
“At the launch party, on October 15, 1977, some five hundred men and half a dozen drag queens danced to disco as more than two hundred slides from Magazine Movie, mainly of Doris, flashed on the wall.”
Excerpt From
Who Does That Bitch Think She Is?
Craig Seligman
A project that did come to fruition was a magazine Moss produced called San Francisco Gay Life-Where It’s At. Doris wrote and illustrated articles, designed ads for the magazine, and even painted a cover for it featuring Patti LaBelle. I’m hoping to track these down, I’d love to see them!
In 1977 as part of the publicity campaign for Magazine Movie, Moss got them featured in a free gay bar magazine called Kalendar. Doris made the cover, and she had a short autobiographical piece that advertised a Doris Fish Fan Club complete with membership card! (WOULD LOVE TO SEE THIS!) The mailing address listed was James Moss’ apartment on Pearl Street, Doris was living there at the time.
Magazine Movie also sponsored the Anita Bryant Lookalike Contest that Tippi won.