Calling All Girls poster designed and illustrated by Doris Fish. 1981

Doris Fish designed this show poster starring the mysterious Miss X. Black ink, Letraset typography, she hand painted the black letters where they needed to be white, either with Liquid Paper or tooth paint. It’s Miss X’s personal favorite image Doris drew of her.

Calling All Girls was a rock band Miss X was in, performing as lead singer. The Sluts sometimes performed with the band and Doris created posters for them.


Miss X comments: “I joined a band headed by my next door neighbor Mark Elliott. Trans drummer Scott Loughridge (I think), bass Jeanette Szudy who played the reporter in VIS, I sang and played keyboards, Tippi and Doris (and Freida Lay at our first performance at Previews) danced. This poster was created by Doris for our show(s) at Sound of Music in the TL. We were brilliant of course doing mostly originals.”

Calling All Girls band photo. Miss X collection.
Calling All Girls! Featuring Sluts A Go-Go Sound of Music, August 1, 1981 Miss X Collection