Blonde Sin was the final iteration of the show which began at the 1979 Sluts A Go-Go debut show, evolved during the early 1980 South Pacific Nightclub Tour. Upon their return from Australia, Doris and the Sluts teamed up with producer Eddie Troia to refine the rough revue into a more cohesive show originally entitled Sluts A Go-Go: A Play with Music,which co-starred Jack Fertig (AKA Sister Boom Boom) as the Russian Spy. In fall 1980 the show was once again retooled when Eddie Troia’s client Jane Dornacker replaced Fertig and Timmy Spence came on as musical director. Spence and Dornacker added some name recognition and professional polish to the production, as well as live music instead of recordings accompanying the queens. The show ran for over a year and cemented the Sluts A Go-Go as San Francisco drag stars.
Danny Nicoletta Photographs of Blonde Sin
Photographer Danny Nicoletta attended many Sluts A Go-Go shows, including the November 1st debut of Blonde Sin featuring Jane Dornacker and Timmy Spence. We are grateful to Dan for sharing these legendary images with us.
Scroll through these rare snapshots taken at Hotel Utah by Blonde Sin superfan Greg Foss (AKA Ginger Quest)
Blonde Sin Promotional Material
There were a number of promotional pieces produced for Blonde Sin. Doris created a key group image that she printed as a silkscreen for flyers and a t-shirt. This iconic image and the portrait of Tippi were part of the set of silkscreens that were rescued from the trash in 2007. All of these were created for the October 31-November 1, 1980 debut of Jane Dornacker and Timmy Spence in Blonde Sin, the retooled Sluts A Go-Go Play With Music. Manager Eddie Troia also had a local designer create a more polished poster featuring a photo of Doris’ body to advertise the December and New Year’s Shows. The group illustration was later used on a professionally laid out poster for the shows in the spring of 1981.