The Death of Doris Fish
The death of Doris Fish was front page news in the San Francisco Chronicle. Doris Fish obituary on the front page of the Bay Area Reporter, June 27, 1991
The death of Doris Fish was front page news in the San Francisco Chronicle. Doris Fish obituary on the front page of the Bay Area Reporter, June 27, 1991
One of the people impressed with Doris’ act with the Tubes was James Moss, a former child star in Hollywood who was trying to make a name for himself in San Francisco as a filmmaker and promoter. His scheme was to produce a film called Magazine Movie and recognized Doris as potential STAR, much as Martin Ryter and then Phillip R…
Miss Leading (Tippi) appeared in the Gay Freedom Day Parade in her Anita Bryant drag for the Anita Bryant Look-A-Like Contest in June 1977. Excerpt from: NOT TRYING TO PASS AS ANYTHING BUT OUTRAGED: Cross-Dressing and Drag in Protests, Demonstrations, and Social Activism By Ardel Haefele-Thomas, Ph.D. & Ms. Bob Davis, MFA By 1977 about…
San Francisco Sentinel Theatre January 11, 1990 Men, Lesbians and Transsexuals By Doris Fish, Sentinel Arts Writer Joke about AIDS will never be a real trend, but I hope the nineties will bring some humor to our dastardly situation. We loved and laughed at “Terms of Endearment” and “Steel Magnolias” (even at the…
San Francisco Sentinel January 5, 1990 Bay City Beat ‘She Who Would Be Empress’ By Doris Fish Of all the many ridiculous ways to waste time, running for Empress ranks up there with housework. Although I’m no expert on housework, I’m pretty proficient at ridiculous time-wasting projects so I guess I should know. Why anyone…
Doris Fish Forever will be exhibiting collectible merchandise and FACTORY MADE PROTOTYPES of a fashion doll/action figure based on the notorious and beloved Australian & American DRAG QUEEN DORIS FISH, creator and star of the classic cult film “Vegas In Space”. DOLLS ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE YET. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE THIS…
Doris Fish was Sainted by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence on November 3, 1990, as part of the benefit tribute “Who Does That Bitch Think She Is?”. Typically, the Sisters attribute some miracles to their saints, and in Doris’ case there are many apparent miracles to choose from, before and after her death. In my…
The Doris Fish Forever Southern California Tour begins this week at RuPaul’s Drag Con at the LA Convention Center Friday and Saturday, June 19-20 SPECIAL GUEST STARS! MISS X of the Sluts a Go-Go and co-star of Vegas in Space will be reigning supreme all weekend and Vegas in Space director PHILLIP R FORD (honorary…
Thanks to all who helped out and stopped by the Doris Fish Forever booth at San Francisco Pride! We are on a mission to introduce Doris and the Sluts to a new generation of fans and remind the world that DORIS FISH WILL BE FAMOUS FOREVER! DORIS will be in Los Angeles July 19-20 at…
Doris Fish serves refreshments to Sylvester and friends. Photo from San Francisco Gay Life Where It's At, presumably by James Moss. When Doris met Sylvester…! 1977. As far as we know, the only documented meeting of the two San Francisco drag legends, these photos were taken by James Moss during an interview with the disco…